The Norse
Explorer Leif Erikson is generally regarded as the first to discover the North
American Bigfoot in 986 AD. However, as with any story in history which is the
first of its kind on record, relating to an unknown species or a cryptid
creature, there is debate whether this sighting is accurate or fabricated.

The first
recorded Bigfoot evidence by a “white man” was by David Thompson in 1811.
Thompson was a trader for the Northwest Company. While traveling near Jasper,
Alberta (Canada), Thompson discovered a large track.
One of the very first
known documented cases of the "Paranormal" Bigfoot was reported in 1888. We learned if this report in 1971, when James C. Wyatt of Memphis, Tennessee
(my home town), released a copy of his grandfather's journal, which contained fascinating
and startling entries. The eyewitness account was written in straightforward fashion, which appears to
indicate that an association between Bigfoot-type creatures and UFOs has
existed for quite
some time.
In a journal dated 1888, Wyatt's grandfather records that he was somewhere
along the Humboldt Line in the "Big Woods Country" in California, where
his father and several cowhands had wintered with a local tribe after
delivering some cattle to a fort further north. Grandfather Wyatt, a long time cattleman, was fluent in
many tribal languages, proficient in sign language, and partook of most of the
tribal activities.
One day he came upon a man from the tribe carrying a large platter of raw meat.
At first the man seemed afraid to answer Wyatt's questions concerning his errand, but he finally bade the cattleman to follow him.
In a shallow cave in a cliff face, dwelt a beast with long, shiny black hair that covered its entire body, except for its palms and an area around its eyes. The human like creature did not seem wild or vicious; it sat cross--legged, Indian-style, to wolf down the raw meat. Wyatt described the creature as built like a big, well-developed man, except for its lack of neck and its long body hair. The creature's head seemed to rest directly on its shoulders.
Wyatt visited the man-beast in the cave more than a dozen times. After much questioning, and receiving two pounds of tobacco, a compass, and an axe, one of the men from the tribe took Wyatt to a high pinnacle of rock one clear night to tell him of the creature's origin.
"Crazy Bear," as the thing was called by the Indians, had been brought to the "Big Woods" from the stars. A "small moon" had flown down like a swooping eagle and had landed on a plateau a few miles away from the tribe's encampment. The beast in the cave and two other "crazy bears" had been flung out of the "moon" before the craft had once again soared off to the stars.
The man told Wyatt that other "crazy bears" had been left in the vicinity over the years. Wyatt's guide
At first the man seemed afraid to answer Wyatt's questions concerning his errand, but he finally bade the cattleman to follow him.
In a shallow cave in a cliff face, dwelt a beast with long, shiny black hair that covered its entire body, except for its palms and an area around its eyes. The human like creature did not seem wild or vicious; it sat cross--legged, Indian-style, to wolf down the raw meat. Wyatt described the creature as built like a big, well-developed man, except for its lack of neck and its long body hair. The creature's head seemed to rest directly on its shoulders.
Wyatt visited the man-beast in the cave more than a dozen times. After much questioning, and receiving two pounds of tobacco, a compass, and an axe, one of the men from the tribe took Wyatt to a high pinnacle of rock one clear night to tell him of the creature's origin.
"Crazy Bear," as the thing was called by the Indians, had been brought to the "Big Woods" from the stars. A "small moon" had flown down like a swooping eagle and had landed on a plateau a few miles away from the tribe's encampment. The beast in the cave and two other "crazy bears" had been flung out of the "moon" before the craft had once again soared off to the stars.
The man told Wyatt that other "crazy bears" had been left in the vicinity over the years. Wyatt's guide
and several of his fellow villagers had
occasionally seen the "men" who put the crazy bears off the
The crazy bears had been led to the village by the Indians, and at no time had the hairy giants offered any resistance to their benefactors. The Indians believed that the crazy bears from the stars had been sent to bring them powerful medicine, and they would not permit the creatures to stray away lest they be captured by rival tribes.
Some of the most famous paranormal claims today in the Bigfoot and UFO world have been scientists, doctors, psychologists, military personnel and pilots. Some of the most trusted and reputable witnesses in history. What do you make of these claims?
Southern SASquatch Expeditions
Author: Angela Ashton, Founder
#southernsasquatchexpeditions #bigfoot #sasquatch
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